Palm trees and the best "boylesque" in LA...nuff said.
Lovesick's unofficial mascot
Half of our show was outside and it was dope
The crowds loved the "boylesque"
Like we said, they loved it.
Palm trees and the best "boylesque" in LA...nuff said.
Lovesick's unofficial mascot
Half of our show was outside and it was dope
The crowds loved the "boylesque"
Like we said, they loved it.
Rad couples, rad music, scary flying chainsaws...yeah, it was a good day.
the line at the door
happy couples!
burlesque, always amazing
this guy...
flying chainsaws!
happy lovesick people
it wouldn't be a lovesick expo without someone showing their underwear
We just had to share this dope first look. A madly in love couple + Asbury Park = awesomeness.
Phew! While we take a short break before the rest of the tour, check out these pictures from the Lovesick Expo Seattle and Atlanta. We had such a dope time.
Seattle crowds
We're all lovesick
The one, the only, the infamous, sparkling, Seattle unicorn.
Thank you Ariel, our amazing media partner at Offbeat Bride, for always bringing style to the show.
Always lot's to see on stage at Lovesick. And yes, thats a bouncy house in the background at Lovesick Atlanta
We love it when there is a line at the door!
Tom, on stage, giving dope shit away.
We had a record-setting Boston show, taking Artists for Humanity to capacity. Check out of a few fun pics of crowd shots and our talented aerialists.
Have a ridiculous tattoo? You win a prize. Raise money for human rights.
Just about 400 people, amazing vendors, circus performers and a jazz band playing Meghan Trainor songs.
Crowd shot
The path to the bar.
The amazing flying Molly Baechtold.
Last weekend was the Lovesick Expo kickoff in New York and Philly. Check out a few pics from our 6th year of putting on the most awesome wedding show pretty much ever. (But we may be biased.) Off to Boston tomorrow, so stay tuned! For even more pics, check out our Instagram account!. Search #lovesickexpo and #iamlovesick for some fun ones.
The crowd in Philly.
The level of booth intricacy was insane this year.
A little bluegrass action thanks to Marc Silver.
Ariel from Offbeat Bride in a fancy pants gown.
So much to see.
Pretty sure this was the first time a drone was flown inside World Cafe Live.
Rad lounge in NY thanks to Paige Marion.
In every picture, you can play a game of "spot the GoPro."
2015 was an amazing year and it all culminates with the creation of our new page, 'Chronicle.' This is an on-going log of our life in this crazy wedding world. We are super grateful for the amazing amounts of fun we get to have with so many awesome people and look forward to sharing it with you as the weeks pass by. But for now, check out a quick recap of our 2015.
We kick off each year running our Lovesick Expo -- just like we will starting tomorrow! Take a peek back at some pics from our January 2015 shows. (Unofficially sponsored by Uber, Airbnb, Woodford Reserve, and Cards Against Humanity.)
Special thanks to: Offbeat Bride, Creative Loafing, Ambient Plus Studio, World Cafe Live, Rock Wall Wine Co., Showbox SoDo, Unique Space, Mile High Station, Artists for Humanity, Rebel Belle Weddings, AMP'd Entertainment, Heart of Gold DJ, Boston Circus Guild, DJ Pasha, Scarlette Bartending, Tres Catering, Goorin Bros., Devil's Playground, Academy of Burlesque, Peek a Boo Revue, Marc Silver Music, Red Hots Burlesques, Atlanta School of Burlesque, Tina Tassels, Vivienne VaVoom, Butler Rents, Chef Stephanie, Pole Fitness Seattle, Good Co., Blue Vipers of Brooklyn, Circus of Smiles, and every single one of our loyal vendors and supporters who have been with Lovesick in our past 6 years of defying the wedding mainstream. Cheers!
This was a year of happy people making out in cool places. We had such a blast! Take a peek at some of our favorite moments from 2015.
And then there were the moments like this...